Yarn Safe
No shame in talking it out

Got a lot going on? When we've got a lot going on we can feel sad, tired, stressed and angry. Everybody has these feelings when life is tough, but when these feelings go on for a long time it can weaken our body, mind and spirit. If you feel like there is too much happening, clearing your head can help. Below is some information that may help you or somebody else, when going through a hard time. There's no shame in talking it out.
headspace is your space to yarn safe.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental health is like a tree. To stay strong and healthy it needs looking after. You need to take care of the roots of the tree for it to grow tall and stand strong.

Stress and Pressure
Stress can come from many things and cause all sorts of problems. Find good ways to cope when feeling stressed out and show your mob that it’s ok to yarn to someone when you have lots of stress and pressure. There’s no shame in talking it out.

Good relationships can make you feel happy and confident. They can help get you through tough times. It’s deadly to share, care, laugh and love with your mob and bond over culture, community, kinship and family.

Alcohol and Drugs
Drugs and alcohol can make you feel good for a little while, but in the long run will make you feel much worse. Drugs and alcohol can also weaken your spirit and your connection with family, community and culture.

The Yarn Safe Story
Yarn Safe was developed in September 2014 with the help of 12 incredible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from across Australia, who have continued to be involved in the campaign development.